garethr.dev is the blog of Gareth Rushgrove. I’m a professional technologist, mainly specialising in instrastructure, automation and information security.
I’m currently Director of Product at Snyk, working on application security tools for developers.
I have previously worked as:
- A group Product Manager for Docker, responsible for a range of the developer-facing tools like Docker Desktop, as well as work on the Cloud Native Application Bundles (CNAB) specification.
- A Principal Engineer at Puppet, working on configuration management tooling for cloud infrastructure, Kubernetes and various source code analytics projects.
- A Technical Architect for the UK Cabinet Office, working as one of the early members of what became the Government Digital Service, on building the infrastructure that underpins GOV.UK, and assisting various government departments with devops and digital transformation
You can generally find me somewhere on the internet if you need to do so:
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